Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer School Plan

This summer I took gym for first period with coach Burgos, and history with Mr. Bello. I passed both classes with an A, getting my credit and getting off of two hour. For Ms.Priesters class I will work hard, and have perserverence. I will also make sure that I am on top of all my work, and that I go and ask for help when needed. I know that it's going to be hard because I'm a very lazy person but I know that I need the credits so that i won't have to do summer school all of my high school life because I've messed up my previous years. I also feel like there is no point in going to summer school every day if I am just going to fail this class. So i'm making sure that I pass this class with an A, so that it can also boost up my GPA.


  1. That's cool actually keep it up and i'm sure that you will pass this class if you really put your mind to it. If you need anything come to me and ask for help. Always keep your head up and you will always make it

  2. 1st secion sounds fun... good luck passing summer school.

  3. Ms.Priesters class is kind of easy, good luck

  4. I think that if you keep doing what you need to do that you will be good

  5. I agree with Janet, I'm prety sure that you will pass Ms. Priester's class.
